What we do

Are you:

  • Thinking of a product idea and need someone to implement it?
  • Having issues quickly and reliably adding new functionality to your existing applications?
  • Using copies of data maintained by individual employees or teams with no master data source, none of them up to date?
  • Managing core business processes using spreadsheets, inboxes or file servers?
  • Paying too much hosting applications in your own data centre?
  • Struggling to choose between the ever changing implementation cloud implementation options?
  • Copying and pasting between systems? Copying and pasting between systems?

Everything you need

From requirements, implementation and support

We can help make your project a reality with a range of services from inception, delivery and support.

Web applications

Visual design, process flow and implementation of web applications from frontend, APIs and backend. We can start from a blank canvas or upgrade your existing applications to the latest technology.

Make sense of your data

Get the data and reports you need out of your systems. Data modelling, SQL and NoSQL implementation, performance optimisations or building data ingestion pipelines, you can COUNT() on us.

Software and systems architecture

High level designs (HLD), translating business processes into software, ensuring software is built in a consistent way and working out which cloud components to use. We can work with your network, IT, CAB, security and test teams to make sure delivery meets internal or GDS standards.

Keeping systems running

Ensuring software is maintained and working as you need is key to keeping confidence of the end users. We can help with running your service, triaging and fixing bugs, continuous improvements, monitoring, hosting, devops pipelines and patching.

Integration to other software

No software exists in a silo, connect to other internal or external systems to send email, SMS, take payments, send slack notifications or consume data. We can make your app data and processes available in a secure way for consuming applications.

Digital transformation and management

Perform discoveries of existing processes and 'as-is' state, business analysis to design and improve processes to running projects we can make sure you build the correct thing. We help run stakeholder engagement sessions to gather information, document the current and design updated processes to enhance your processes.

Our values.

We love technology

Innovation and exploring the "what if" question drives us. Pushing the boundries of what's possible is our aim, building modern, performant and maintainable systems on the latest cloud and development platforms.

Working as one team

We work with you in the day to day as one team, embedded and aligned to customer priorities. We are not afraid to share our expertise to get the best outcome possible.

Start small and build big

Iteration and experimentation is key to ensure the correct product is being built. We start from a minimum viable product and iterate based on your feature priorities, ensuring value and reducing risk of building the wrong solution.

London based since 2013

Worked with

Central government, businesses in defence, engineering, events and charities


enterprise internal and B2B web applications, IoT, intranets, records management, public website design, server and email hosting

solutions which

manage tens of billions of pounds of funding a year, capture metrics and controls mining equipment in the field and interact with customers and employees on websites and intranets.

Do you have a problem we can help solve? We would love to make your next project a reality